Architecture analysis en

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Example analysis 1: multidimensional comparison of property values (bubble chart)

This bubble chart plots the application components in the application landscape of Archisurance. The applications have been ordered on business value (the further to the right of the chart, the higher the business value) and total cost of ownership (the higher in the chart, the higher the total cost of ownership). The size of the bubbles indicates the number of users of the application, and the color of the bubbles indicates the status of technology (green - current; yellow - behind; red - outdated).

We can distinguish between four quadrants in the chart:

  • The upper right quadrant contains strategic applications: costly applications that provide high business value. For these applications, it is generally recommended to investigate options for reducing the total cost of ownership.
  • The lower right quadrant contains profitable applications: these provide high business value at relatively low total cost of ownership. For these applications, it is generally recommended to investigate options for broader use.
  • The lower left quadrant contains applications the provide little business value but don't cost much either. For these applications, it is generally recommended to investigate options for increasing the business value. Or otherwise ignore them.
  • The upper left quadrant contains bleeder applications: costly applications that provide little business value. For these applications, it is generally recommended to decommission them as soon as possible.

From the chart we can conclude the following:

  • The status of technology of the application landscape is reasonable. The strategic and profitable applications in particular are ok. Only two applications depend on outdated technology.
  • The Home & Away Policy Administration application requires special attention. The application is business critical but technologically outdated and (probably as a result of that) has a very high total cost of ownership. Replacement is strongly recommended.
  • The Policy Data Management application is a bleeder. It should be decommissioned as soon as possible.

Example analysis 2: Comparison of property values (bar chart)

This chart displays the total cost of ownership (x1000 euro) of the application components in the Archisurance application landscape.