ArchiSurance V3 - 2

ArchiMate-modellen > ArchiSurance V3 - 2
ArchiMate-model ArchiSurance V3 - 2
Importdatum/tijd  : 30-05-2018 12:22:55
ArchiMateversie  : 3.0
Schema  : Dublin Core
Schemaversion  : 1.1
Title  : ArchiSurance Case Study (Preliminary)
Creator  : The Open Group
Subject  : ArchiSurance Models (Preliminary)
Publisher  : The Open Group
Contributor  : The Open Group
Date  : August 2017
Format  : The Open Group ArchiMate Exchange File Format V3
Rights  : Copyright The Open Group, All rights reserved
Models to accompany the ArchiSurance Case Study, V2

An example of a fictional Insurance company.