ArchiMedes™ is based on MediaWiki open source software.
Main advantage of this is that almost anyone is familiar with this software, which is known predominantly from internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. |
ArchiMedes™ uses open standards.
Because data imports use the Open Group ArchiMate Exchange Format*, you can import from your preferred architecture modelling tool. For example, you may choose to import from open source modelling tool Archi or Sparx EA**, making a cost efficient but full-fledged solution for modelling, publishing and analysing your enterprise architecture. |
ArchiMedes™ exploits semantic technology.
Because architecture knowledge is stored semantically in ArchiMedes™, views and analyses are generated in real-time. This not only ensures up-to-date analytics but also enables you to adapt, combine, and create new views and analyses. |
ArchiMedes™ is interactive.
Your staff can respond to and discuss architectural topics. Additionally, they can help keeping the architecture up to date by revising and appending the architecture with information as of yet unknown to the enterprise architects. |
ArchiMedes™ enables enrichment of architecture knowledge.
You could for example include clarifications and historical or other information such as considerations and trade-offs in decision making to the architecture, topics usually not present in architecture modelling tools. This makes your enterprise architecture a true encyclopaedia instead of just a collection of diagrams. |
ArchiMedes™ can combine expert knowledge from multiple sources and domains.
You could for example combine enterprise architecture models with information from your organisations CMDB and project portfolio management, to effectively support application lifecycle management. |
ArchiMedes™ is user centric.
Architecture knowledge can be disclosed for multiple intended audiences, each in its own way. Managers, for example, have a different perspective than system administrators, so they will need a different entry point with user group oriented diagrams and overviews. |
ArchiMedes™ is a cloud based solution.
You will only need to pay for actual usage. No need to install, host, and manage any software. Moreover, you do not need to invest in development or purchase of software, or acquiring technical expertise for hosting and maintenance. ArchiMedes™ is compliant with any recent browser and does not require any exotic plug-ins. |
ArchiMedes™ is a community product.
We are continuously improving and enhancing the product with your and other customers’ help. Analyses developed for one customer can become available for all. This will make the product evolve and offer ever richer functionality. |
ArchiMedes™ is extensible.
We offer additional extensions for single sign-on integration with your network, for generating PDF documents from architecture models, and many more. |
ArchiMedes™ is customisable.
You adapt for example user permissions, or implement a custom graphical design to match the styleguide of your organisation. We already have an number of ‘skins’ available. |
ArchiMedes™ has a transparent and straightforward license structure.
There are no restrictions regarding the number of architecture models, data traffic, or concurrent users. There is only a “fair use” policy. This enables you to make your organisations enterprise architecture accessible to all staff without excessive license costs. |
ArchiMedes™ supports multiple languages in parallel.
Multiple language support includes both user interface and architecture content, which makes the platform perfectly suitable for organisations with international staff. |
ArchiMedes™ supports ArchiMate v2 and v3 models simultaneously.
You can easily migrate to ArchiMate v3, because in ArchiMedes your old architecture models remain valid. You can import and use old and new architecture models simultaneously. |
* The Open Group ArchiMate exchange format is an open standard for exchanging ArchiMate models between architecture modelling tools. All (trade) rights of this standard are owned by The Open Group.
** All (trade) rights of these tools are owned by the respective suppliers. ArchiMedes™ can be used in conjunction with every architecture modelling tool that supports the Open Group ArchiMate exchange format.
*** All concepts and views available on this demo website originate from the ArchiMate case studies ArchiSurance and ArchiMetal. These case studies and the corresponding ArchiMate models are property of The Open Group. The architecture models have been imported using the ArchiMate files published by The Open Group. These files can be downloaded from the website of the Open Group ArchiMate exchange format.